Online shops and classic print flyers share one disadvantage in comparison to retail stores: They do not offer a direct product experience. While consumers can interact with products in real size at the store, for print products or online channels, this experience is limited to pictures, videos or simple product information.
expert, one of the leading electronic retailers in German-speaking countries, challenged to create a concept to overcome this hurdle and to increase user experience for their customers. By using our AR technology AR-Link, we managed to even the odds – and even raise them.
Our Augmented Reality technology AR-Link lets customers display products in real size right where they want to see them – without having to use an app.
Our first pilot for expert was the ‘Predator Thronos’, a premium gaming chair by Acer that was one of the highlights at the IFA 2019 trade show. With AR-Link, a detailed 3D-model of the high-tech chair can be placed in the homes of customers by simply using a smartphone browser.
This ’try before you buy’ approach has a significant influence on the purchase decision – especially when it comes to high-priced premium products.
With AR-Link, we are not only extending the reality of expert’s customers, we are also improving their user experience – and eventually the sales.